Module: Defining Classes & Types

Creating your first Java classes.

Learning Outcomes

Writing & using classes

Write classes containing fields, methods, and constructors. Using classes by instantiating (i.e., creating) objects.

Work with automated development tools

Using Eclipse to develop Java programs, including:


Eclipse Tips

Hints & tricks for working in Eclipse

Names and Things

Chapter 2-2.3 in Java Notes 7.

textbook 18 pages

Variables and Their Values

Burd Chapter 4

textbook 30 pages

Experiential Learning


Square Class




WOD2: Rectangle

Outcomes assessed: Writing & using classes

Rx: < 10 min Av: 10-20 min Sd: 20-30 min DNF: 31+ min or incorrect

In this exercise, we created a new Java class, Rectangle, modeled after our Circle & Square classes. We will be writing classes throughout the semester, so we want to practice getting closer to Rx level. We also want to practice precisely following directions.