Learning Outcomes

1. Use & apply the 7 basic skills of computer programming

  1. Variables: storing information (numbers, text)
  2. Math & Logic: writing & evaluating expressions
  3. Input/Output (IO): getting information from the user (or a file/DB) and displaying information to the screen graphically or with the console
  4. Conditions: changing what code statements are executed under different scenarios (i.e., if the day is Sunday, sleep in; otherwise, get up at 6 am)
  5. Loops: repeat code statements (e.g.: while the sink is dirty, keep scrubbing)
  6. Functions: grouped set of statements to accomplish a task based on parameters (e.g.: given f(x)=x+5 then f(2) would be 7)
  7. Lists: store multiple pieces of information (e.g.: an array that stores the integers 1-5 or the letters of the alphabet)

Referencing modules: Control Flow, Functions, Turtles, Lists, Images, Whiles & Files, Data Structures, Review

2. Work with UNIX and binary numbers

Working understanding of computer hardware, binary encoding, and how to use the UNIX command line to develop and execute python programs.

Referencing modules: Hardware & UNIX

3. Programming Python

Implement algorithms in python.

Referencing modules: Python Fundamentals, Strings, Control Flow, Functions, Turtles, Lists, Images, Whiles & Files, Data Structures, Objects, Review

Assessed by: HW5: Code Academy, WOD4: Functions