HW: Functions

Rx: <20 min Av: 20-40 min Sd: 40-60 min DNF: 60+ min


Write a function is_multiple that takes a number and a multiple as parameters and returns true if the number is a multiple (i.e., if number % multiple is 0). Test that your function works by calling it twice, once with a multiple and once with a number that is not its multiple, and print the results. Your program should not get any input from the user.

For example:

call returns
is_multiple(10, 5) True
is_multiple(10, 7) False
is_multiple(8, 4) True
is_multiple(8, 3) False


Recall tip.py from PHW3. Copy tip.py into tip_calculator.py. Modify it by creating a function calculate_total that takes 3 parameters and returns the total for the meal. The 3 parameters are:

Use the same calculations as in the prior practice HW (NOT the CodeAcademy exercise). Specifically, proper tipping technique dictates that the tip should be calculated based on the total cost of the meal, before tax is applied. Then, print out the total with 2 decimal places. Don’t forget the dollar sign ($)!

Prompt the user to enter the cost of the meal, the tax rate, and the tip rate. Your final program should make two calls to calculate_total: one based on input from the user and one using the following call:

calculate_total(53.48, .07, .18)

Note that the total for the above meal with tax & tip is $66.85.


Create a program that draws a filled rectangle of asterix characters, requesting the width and height from the user. Write a function rectangle that takes the width & height as parameters and prints a filled rectangle.

For example, a call to rectangle(3,5) should output:


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def is_multiple(num, m):
  return num % m == 0



def rectangle(w, h):
  for i in range(h):
     print(w * "*")

width = eval(input("Enter width: "))
height = eval(input("Enter height: "))
rectangle(width, height)