Terminal Customization

The following tutorial will setup an alias, ped, that you can type on the command line to open your editor of choice directly from the terminal.


  1. Open your terminal and type ls -a
  2. You should see either a file named .bash_profile or .profile (likely in Yosemite).
    • If there is no file named .bash_profile or .profile, type touch .bash_profile
  3. Open this file in your editor: open -a textwrangler .bash_profile or open -a textwrangler .profile
  4. Add the following line to your .bash_profile: alias ped='open -a textwrangler'
  5. Save the file, close the terminal, & reopen the terminal
  6. Try it out by typing ped

VirtualBox (should already be setup)

  1. Open your terminal and type ls -a
  2. Open .bashrc file in your editor: gedit .bashrc &
  3. If it’s not already at the top of the file, add the following line to your .bashrc: ped() { gedit "$@" & }
  4. Save the file, close the terminal, & reopen the terminal
  5. Try it out by typing ped