WOD4: Timer

So far we’ve been working with composing shape objects with GUI Java classes. Now we’re going to practice creating a Timer class that outputs to the console & uses if statements. Your Timer class will count up from 0 and print “You have no time left!”

Rx: <10 min Av: 10-20 min Sd: 20-30 min DNF: 31+ min


  1. Write down your start time on your notecard.
  2. Create a new Java Project called Timer_uLogin
  3. Create a new Timer class with:
    • Fields to store: the time elapsed (seconds or minutes) and the time limit. Think about what types these should be.
    • A constructor that takes the time limit as a parameter. What should the time elapsed be initialized to?
    • A tick method that increments the time elapsed. If the time elapsed is greater than or equal to the limit, print “You have no time left!”
    • A time_left method that returns how much time is left.
    • A print method that prints out useful information for the timer. Think about what information you want to know when you look at a timer that’s counting up.
  4. Test your Timer class by writing a main method that creates a new Timer stored in a local variable, timer, that counts up to 3. Call tick 3 times, printing your timer’s status after each call. Do you correctly print when there is no time left?
    Here is an example output:
    Time: 0
    Time: 1
    Time: 2
    You have no time left!
    Time: 3

  5. Export your program by right-clicking on your project folder, and selecting Export > General > Archive File. Name the file Timer_uLogin.zip.
  6. Upload the file to the assignment page on canvas.
  7. Write down your stop time on your notecard.