WOD1: Hello Me

After installing eclipse & setting up your workspace, create a project, export it, and upload it.

Rx: <3 min Av: 3-5 min Sd: 5-10 min DNF: 10+ min


  1. Write down your start time on your notecard
  2. Create a new Java project in eclipse with the name HelloMe_uLogin
  3. Create a new Java file (i.e., class) Hello.java
  4. In main, print "Hello, [your name]"
  5. Run the program to verify your changes.
  6. Export your program by right-clicking on your project folder, and selecting “Export > General > Archive File”. Name the file “HelloMe_uLogin.zip”.
  7. Upload the file to the assignment page on canvas
  8. Write down your stop time on your notecard