Installing Java, Eclipse, and running your first Java program.
Referencing modules: Introduction to Java
Decompose problems into actions and objects and implement them in the Java programming language. Includes both using objects and creating new classes.
Referencing modules: Intro to OO, Defining Classes & Types, Using Classes
Write classes containing fields, methods, and constructors. Using classes by instantiating (i.e., creating) objects.
Referencing modules: Using Classes, Inheritance, Composing Objects, Collections & Control Flow, Putting it all together, Software Maintenance
Assessed by: WOD3: Crowd, Midterm Exam
Faciitate localized changes by using inheritance and object oriented design techniques such as interfaces and abstract classes.
Referencing modules: Inheritance
Apply advanced programming constructs such as recursion and collections to implement solutions.
Referencing modules: Collections & Control Flow, Putting it all together, Arrays, Software Maintenance
Assessed by: Midterm Exam
Design & implement an event-driven application with a graphical user interface.
Referencing modules: Putting it all together, Software Maintenance
Using Eclipse to Develop Java Programs, including:
Referencing modules: Introduction to Java, Intro to OO, Defining Classes & Types, Using Classes, Debugging & Recursion
Apply object-oriented design principles such as inheritance, polymorphism, and enumerated types to refactor code and localize changes.
Referencing modules: Intro to OO Design, Debugging & Recursion, Polymorphism & Inheritance, Software Maintenance