Learning Outcomes

1. Getting started with Java

Installing Java, Eclipse, and running your first Java program.

Referencing modules: Introduction to Java

2. Decompose problems into actions and objects

Decompose problems into actions and objects and implement them in the Java programming language. Includes both using objects and creating new classes.

Referencing modules: Intro to OO, Defining Classes & Types, Using Classes

3. Writing & using classes

Write classes containing fields, methods, and constructors. Using classes by instantiating (i.e., creating) objects.

Referencing modules: Using Classes, Inheritance, Composing Objects, Collections & Control Flow, Putting it all together, Software Maintenance

Assessed by: WOD3: Crowd, Midterm Exam

4. Use inheritance

Faciitate localized changes by using inheritance and object oriented design techniques such as interfaces and abstract classes.

Referencing modules: Inheritance

5. Applying Advanced Programming Constructs

Apply advanced programming constructs such as recursion and collections to implement solutions.

Referencing modules: Collections & Control Flow, Putting it all together, Arrays, Software Maintenance

Assessed by: Midterm Exam

6. Java GUI Programming

Design & implement an event-driven application with a graphical user interface.

Referencing modules: Putting it all together, Software Maintenance

7. Take advantage of automated development tools

Using Eclipse to Develop Java Programs, including:

Referencing modules: Introduction to Java, Intro to OO, Defining Classes & Types, Using Classes, Debugging & Recursion

8. Apply OO design principles to facilitate localized changes

Apply object-oriented design principles such as inheritance, polymorphism, and enumerated types to refactor code and localize changes.

Referencing modules: Intro to OO Design, Debugging & Recursion, Polymorphism & Inheritance, Software Maintenance