WOD3: Person & Crowd Classes

We’ve looked at box cars and forests, now let’s build a crowd.

Rx: <20 min Av: 20-40 min Sd: 40-60 min DNF: 60+ min


  1. Make a copy of your Picture project. If you haven’t been following along in class, download the Picture Project and import it into your workspace.
  2. Right-click your project and go to “Refactor > Rename” to name it Picture_uLogin
  3. Right-click on your Picture project and go to “New > Class” to create a Person class.
  4. At minimum, your composite person shape should consiste of a Circle head field and a Rectangle body. (You may optionally create additional fields for arms, face, hat, etc.)
  5. Create a Person constructor with 3 parameters: x, y, and width.
  6. Create a Person constructor with 5 parameters: x, y, width, headColor and bodyColor.
  7. Create a setBounds method that:
    • Has 3 parameters: x, y, & width
    • The person starts at x - width / 2, y and extends to width & height. Note that the x position is in the middle of the person.
    • The head is the full width.
    • The body’s height is 2 times the width of the person & the full width.
  8. Call your setBounds method from the constructor.
  9. Create a draw method that takes a Graphics parameter and calls the draw methods of the 2 fields
  10. Add getter & setter methods for headColor and bodyColor.
  11. Create a Person in your Picture class to test your code. When satisfied, move on to create a crowd.
  12. Create a Crowd class with:
    • At least 3 Person fields or a single ArrayList<Person> field. When drawn, the people should overlap a little bit. For example, you could put two people behind the front person by reducing their size by 75% and putting them a little to the left and right of the front & centered person:
    • A constructor with 3 parameters: x, y, width. The width represents the overall width of the crowd, not an individual person.
    • A draw method that has a Graphics parameter and calls the corresponding draw methods for the people.
  13. Test your new Crowd class by replacing your Person field(s) in the Picture class.
  14. Add two more Crowd fields to your Picture (for a total of 3). Modify the position & sizes in the Picture class so each crowd looks a little bit different.
  15. Export your program by right-clicking on your project folder, and selecting “Export > General > Archive File”. Name the file “Crowd_uLogin.zip”.
  16. Upload your file to moodle to submit.

Person setBounds calculations