PHW7: Tree

In class we saw how to compose objects to create a BoxCar class. Now we’re going to create another composite shape: Tree.

Rx: <25 min Av: 25-50 min Sd: 50-75 min DNF: 75+ min


  1. If you haven’t been following along in class, download the Picture Project and import it into your workspace.
  2. Create a new Tree class with:
    • 2 fields: a Triangle for the top & a Rectangle for the trunk
    • 3 constructors:
      • Default constructor (no parameters)
      • Constructor with 4 parameters: x, y, width, & height
      • Constructor with 6 parameters: x, y, width, height, topColor, trunkColor
    • a setter for topColor & trunkColor
    • a setBounds method that:
      • Has 4 parameters: x, y, width, & height
      • The tree starts at x, y and extends to width & height
      • The top is 3/4 height of the tree & the full width
      • The trunk is 1/4 height of the tree & 1/5 the width
    • a paint method that takes a Graphics parameter and calls the draw methods of the 2 fields
  3. Test your new Tree class by adding 3 to the Picture class. Make sure to use different constructors, and change the size of the Tree using setBounds to verify that it works correctly for any size tree.